Where: Charing Cross Sports Club, Aspenlea Road, Hammersmith, London, W6 8LH.
When: Sunday morning, 30th January 2011. BOOK NOW

Having your photograph taken underwater is great fun and a unique experience. The portraits made during the session are very unusual and stunning. Thinking about and planning what you are going to wear for the photo shoot is also part of the fun. It could be a stunning floaty dress or a Karate-gi, a suit or your badminton kit....
The portraits are made in an underwater photographic studio, in the shallow end of a warm swimming pool. It's great fun and you only need to hold your breath and duck your head underwater for a few seconds at a time.
After the shoot, the images are processed to optimise the colour, contrast, sharpness etc. before being uploaded onto a password protected website. Here you will be able to see the photographs from your underwater photography session and purchase prints and other items.
I will be using a blue background as seen in the picture of Gui above
Attending the portrait session costs thirty pounds per person
But be quick - there are only 16 places available....
To learn more, including tips on how to prepare for the photography session, what to wear etc. visit FUN AQUA
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